I’ve talked about a number of ADHD-friendly apps this year, and some have changed. This is both in good and bad ways, so let’s catch up with a few, and what they’re up to now. As always, watch my last video of 2023 here, or listen below or wherever you listen to podcasts. 

But first, an old friend has changed their name.

Centered, a virtual coworking group that is still my favorite of its kind, is still going strong. I still work on there from 9 AM to 11 AM every day (Costa Rican time, which is US Central time some parts of the year and Mountain Standard Time others). You can still use it as a Pomodoro Timer and a simple task manager. There have only been two big changes: firstly, Centered now goes by Sukha, or The Sukha, and secondly, the free account has been changed to a 14-day free trial. After that trial, you can either upgrade to pro for $20 a month, or pay it yearly for a little more than 30% less.

Otherwise, Sukha is still awesome. We often talk in the group chat, encourage each other, and compete for productivity points. There’s also the option now to start “buddy sessions,” so that you can actually cowork 1:1 with someone on your time. AND you can set up one-off sessions with me there, too. You can check out my previous review (linked above) of them to see exactly why I stand behind Sukha as squarely as I do.

If this is your kind of thing, and you wanna throw an extra 20% off on top of everything else, go ahead and use my code ARIANNA when you sign up for pro, and come work with me!

(Amazing) Marvin

Though I’ve moved on, I still adore Marvin, and I’m thrilled to see that they’re still doing their thing. 

Probably my favorite update here is that Marvin has since added a Mood Tracker strategy, so that you can keep track of how your mood affects your motivation and productivity. It’s a very holistic view on ADHD and productivity in general, and I’m a fan of it whenever it happens. 

There’s also now a browser extension, proportional break timers, and the chance to further customize your dashboard with a background image option. 

The company was actually awesome enough to put up a video outlining all the big changes, so you can also watch that if you’d like to see these in action.


I both love Motion, and they also drive me crazy. Every time I do a review or talk about them they come right behind me and update a billion things. 

This is actually a great thing, because it means that Motion is forever trying to get better, and I know for a fact that they listen to what their users ask for. Which is why I still suggest them, even though they don’t fit my particular use case anymore.

As of now, Motion has since brought out their mobile app, and they’ve moved forward with an integration with Apple’s digital assistant, Siri. There is also now an integration with iCal for those who prefer it over Outlook or Google calendar, too. 

With the way Motion continues to grow, who knows what’ll come next? All I know is they continue to do great things, and you can’t get mad at that. 

Try it 7-days free here.


This one makes me a bit sad. When I was using Brite, it had a ton of promise, and I was rooting for them pretty hard. 

Since my video, though, I’ve been told that they aren’t as reactive as they once were in regards to support or feedback. Their website hasn’t changed since September as far as I can see, and the app store has a number of recent 1-star reviews complaining about their billing being unclear, resulting in a number of people losing money they didn’t mean to spend. 

I still think Brite has the ability to be a fantastic all-in-one digital planner for ADHD brains, so my fingers are crossed they come back for a comeback in 2024. In the meantime, if you decide to still try Brite, use the free account first, and then be sure you know how to cancel pro before upgrading, just in case.


Lunatask is still growing and changing in multiple ways, adding improvements in its natural language, and making it easier to filter and adjust your views in ways that work well for your brain. 

They’ve made so many changes, in fact, that it’s easier to check out their releases page to get a good feel for it all. For those of you looking to leave Brite, Lunatask might be a good replacement.


Although I’m testing apps right and left over here, I still stayed with Sunsama. I love so much about it that I can’t bring myself to leave it. 

Since I just did a video on Sunsama, there isn’t much to say in terms of an update, but they did just add an integration with Linear, so for any of you out there on product teams, this is going to change your life. 

I still highly recommend Sunsama, even a month later, for anyone wanting to better control their work-life balance. Try a 14-day trial here

Got an app you want me to try and review in 2024? Comment below and let me know!