woman in gray sweater holding her facePhoto by Andrea Piacquadio on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-gray-sweater-holding-her-face-3767399/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

There are a number of different kinds of coaches out there, but you don’t hear much about productivity coaches, much less an ADHD Productivity Coach .

And I get it – I do. What we do isn’t as sexy as, say, the ones who’ll teach you to climb mountains or horseback ride or do any of the things you tend to see in tampon commercials. 

Productivity coaches just look at how you’re doing things and help you get more done. We help you refine processes, and we help you rethink your approaches to getting things done. I, personally, help people plan around energy and work with ADHD-friendly methods. That’s not exactly the kind of stuff people tend to think about. 

But it’s needed, trust me. 

And if you’re looking at this like “Okay, but how do I know if it’s something I need,” it’s not as hard to figure out as you’d think. You really just need to ask yourself the following: 

“Do I often feel overwhelmed by my ADHD?”

woman in gray sweater holding her face
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

You’re killing it. You’re making good money. You’re seeing good returns from your business. But holy shit you’re also always facing down feelings of overwhelm or frustration. Your results are great, but the process to get there is often preceded by late nights, feelings of being rushed, and maybe even a dropped plate or two. And it’s like…you’re not doing badly, but dammit, you think you could totally do it with less panic. You just don’t know how.  It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially with ADHD, where prioritization is a constant struggle.

You’ve got a good foundation; you just need someone to help you build on that. 

Next, ask: 

“Am I constantly feeling pulled in different directions?”

group of people doing tug of war
Photo by Victor Freitas on Pexels.com

This is a popular ADHD thing. If you’re looking at a bunch of started projects, without many getting finished before the last minute or – y’know — ever, there’s probably a prioritization issue going on there. Let’s be real: with our brains there’s always a prioritization issue going on; it’s just a question of how disruptive that is to you and your work. 

And finally…answer honestly:

“Am I finishing most of my days absolutely exhausted, or dissatisfied with what I’ve gotten done?”

woman in red t shirt looking at her laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

You’re either getting All the Things done and then passing out for the next two days, or you’re angry at the end of the day because you didn’t get everything done that you wanted to. Worse yet, sometimes you’re pissed at yourself because you got the wrong things done. There’s a constant feeling of not doing enough, or not handling your day the right way, and it’s getting in the way of you enjoying your job. 

But do I need an ADHD Productivity Coach, or Executive Dysfunction Coach, or whatever they’re called?

You can certainly go for a regular life/productivity coach — this is all about how impeded you feel by your ADHD! But there is a high chance that if you don’t find a coach who gets where you’re coming from, that one or both of you is going to feel like you’re not being understood. And this is your money — you deserve to put it towards feeling like you’re finally overcoming that ADHD overwhelm!

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you’d probably benefit from an ADHD productivity coach. And what a coincidence! That’s me! I’m also accepting clients, and you can get in touch with me and apply to work with me here

ADHD is not an “unproductive” condition; it just calls for a different approach. And that’s what I’m here for.