I know I wrote a book a year or so ago, but this ain’t about me; this is about some of the unbelievably cool people I’ve somehow gotten to align myself with. They deserve a little more (ok, a lot more) mention, and I know we’re all always looking for things to read during the maybe five minutes we get on the toilet to ourselves.

So I present to you, some of the awesome books you can get out there, and the amazing people who wrote them:

Witchcraft Therapy:
Your Guide to Banishing Bullsh*t and Invoking Your Inner Power

Mandi Em

Simon & Schuster, 2021

I’m not witchy at all. Like, at all. But I’m sweary. And I do love a good mental reframe. And Mandi’s book is brilliant at speaking to both of those parts of me. If you are witchy, and sweary, and love a good mental reframe, you can’t possibly hate this book. I mean…it reminds you of things like: “Remember that ‘f*ck off’ is a banishing spell.” How much better can you get?

And check out this quote:

“Now don’t get me wrong, I like to stretch out covered in Dorito dust while Netflix lulls me to sleep
just as much as the next guy, but when I get out of the woods away from the TV and my laptop
(and if I can, without trying to capture the whole experience on my cell phone camera), I can clearly
sense just how disconnected being connected has made me. It becomes noticeable almost immediately.”

It’s a perfect mixture of honesty, hilarity, and prose, and it’s a fantastic option as a gift for you, or just some other bad ass witch you know.

Witchcraft Therapy is available in all stores and online, and you can follow Mandi at any of the profiles below:

Her website

Her Instagram

Her Facebook

Her Twitter

Motherhood is F*cking Scary, and Mommy Cusses: Inspiring Profanity and Stimulating Sarcasm for Mamas Who’ve Seen It All

Serena Dorman

Seeing how she’s one of the funniest and most creative people I know, Serena could only ever make books that are both hilarious and fun to look at. And you’ve got two to pick from!

Mommy Cusses is a novelty coffee table book containing fun illustrations coupled with relatable passages like “motherhood go together like diarrhea and sneezing,” and “FUCK YOU I’M A SCREAM-SLINKY is a game my reluctant toddler likes to play when she doesn’t want me to pick her up.” It’s a great conversation piece, and also a great way to vet possible friends who visit your home.

Motherhood is F*cking Scary was made for Halloween, but it’s great no matter what time of the year it is. It’s full of funny essays, quizzes, and Serena’s awesome artwork. So this is a good one for reading right before bed. Or after your kids wake you up at midnight. Or while you’re hiding somewhere trying to eat a snack alone.

Mommy Cusses is available everywhere, and Motherhood is available on Amazon. To keep up with Serena, you can find her at any of the places below:





How to Stop Losing Your Sh** With Your Kids

Carla Naumburg, PhD

Workman Publishing, 2019

“Arianna,” you might be saying, “why do all of your books have bleeped swear words in the title?” To which I say: You must not have read anything of mine before. Swear words are kinda part of life. It’s fine.

And this book is actually one of the best self-care and parenting books I’ve read, because it isn’t about putting up with things you shouldn’t have, or absorbing abuse because you’re a “safe space” or whatever; instead, it’s about putting yourself into a mental and emotional position to handle the hard stuff. And that’s a very underappreciated part of the puzzle.

The book is available everywhere as a book, e-book, and an audiobook. Keep up with Carla at the links below:




Moms Moving On: Real-Life Advice on Conquering Divorce, Co-Parenting Through Conflict, and Becoming Your Best Self

Michelle Dempsey-Multack

Simon & Schuster, 2022

This one isn’t out yet, but I can promise you that it’ll be fantastic. I’ve known Michelle for a while now, and she is the ultimate example of someone using adversity to grow. Since her divorce, she’s become certified in divorce coaching, started a very strong podcast and online community, and helped multiple women progress through a very hard life situation. If there’s anyone out there who’s going to be able to give things to you honestly, relatably, and with incredible humor, Michelle is it.

The book is now available for pre-order on Amazon. You can also follow Michelle at any of the links below:






Clint Edwards

Page Street Publishing, 2020

For anyone looking for the dad side of things, Clint is the creme-de-la-creme. It’s not like he needs my help with exposure; his highly successful No Idea What I’m Doing Daddy Blog has been an incredible source of humor and fantastic storytelling for years.

But this book is just…so good. Clint writes with such an affinity for his family, and with such an affable admission of fallibility, that by the end of the book you can’t help but love him. As with all of his books, you’ll catch yourself going through multiple emotions from page 1. And I feel like so many dads out there need a voice like his, which is something isn’t admitted half as often as it should be.

You can find Father-ish anywhere, and you can follow Clint at any of the below links:




I’m friends with too many talented people, if I’m honest, and I can promise you I’ll come up with more of them as I go along. For now, though, these people should be on your reading list immediately. There’s not way you can go wrong.

Tell them I sent you.