person submerged on body of water holding sparkler

Here’s to the tough stuff that none of us even sort of want to do.

Here’s to getting up early when you’d much rather stay in bed, so that you can take care of other people, whether that’s kids, parents, partners, or customers.

Here’s to having heavy conversations with those you love, even when you know they may not end happily.

Here’s to looking after your mental health: taking that medicine, sleeping that sleep, or crying that cry.

Here’s to asking for help, even when you’re afraid of being a burden or seeming “weak.”

Here’s to releasing that friend or family member, to knowing that their time in your life has come to a close, no matter how badly you want that not to be true.

Here’s to admitting when you’ve fucked up royally, and fixing it.

Here’s to looking in the mirror, and knowing something has to change.

Here’s to sitting your ass down and trying again and again until you get it right.

Here’s to telling that voice in your head to fuck off as it tells you not to start.

Here’s to running that mile. Writing that book. Making that movie. Shooting that shot.

Here’s to failing.

Here’s to getting back up for the 9,000th time.

Here’s to the tough stuff.

It makes the easy things that much sweeter.

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